Distinguished by its superior allied health focus and integration of technology, The Eighth Edition of Seager and Slabaugh's CHEMISTRY FOR TODAY: GENERAL, ORGANIC, and BIOCHEMISTRY meets students' needs through diverse applications, examples, boxes, interactive technology tools, and, new to this edition, real life case studies. CHEMISTRY FOR TODAY dispels students' natural anxiety about chemistry and instills an affection for that role chemistry plays within our lives via a wealthy pedagogical structure as well as an accessible way of writing with lucid explanations. Additionally, it provides greater support both in problem-fixing and demanding-thinking abilities--the abilities essential for student success. By showing the significance of chemistry concepts to students' future careers, the authors not just help students set goals, but in addition helps them concentrate on achieving them.
Spencer L. Seager, Michael R. Slabaugh | 2013 | True PDF | ISBN: 1133602274 | 966 pages | 117 Mb